Friday, October 22, 2010

Many Thanks!!!

We have been so fortunate that people are seeing our cause and recognizing it's need and validity! We have so many to thank for the last few months. We are blessed to be the recipient of such generosity. It is astounding!

CFC would like to thank Kim Anderson and Fusion Fitness and Dance. They put on a wonderful fundraiser and donated 100% of the funds to CFC. Thank you to Fusion Fitness, Kim Anderson, Erica Higashi, and all of the wonderful and generous participants!

Also we are making cases and having to replenish our supplies, so Don Widby with Widby Labels has come to our rescue by donating 1ooo tags for the inside of our cases!!! We thank Mr. Widby for such a generous donation!!!

Our volunteers... we won't name them because most enjoy working under the radar and doing what they do for the cause without the external recognition. CFC would not be where we are today without the dedication of our volunteers, who get the word out, sew our cases, and help us raise the funds to keep CFC going!!! We are blessed to have such a wonderful group!!! Thank you!!!!!!

EG Mom's Club. Elk Grove Mom's Club, so generously made CFC their philanthropy for a dinner and fundraiser they held. Their members so generously made a donation, that will go on to make many cases, bringing smiles to many. Thank you so much!!!

Finally, To just remind everyone why we do this... We received a letter this week (with a donation) from a couple who are often at UC Davis Cancer Center for treatment. They wrote to tell us how much it meant to them that we make and donate these cases. They said we bring smiles to many, even if we do not hear from them. Remember, we do this to bring cheer and love to those who may be low on hope, low on love, and low on happiness. These people are courageously fighting for their lives, if we can bring but one smile, we have done much. Thank you everyone for helping us bring these smiles, and the love to these courageous people.