
Below are correspondence sent to us from Staff and a parent from UC Davis Cancer Center. These are being published with permission of their author. We want all of our donors and volunteers to see that their donations and time really do make a difference!

Dear Madison and Family:
You don't know me, but my name is Brenda Murphy.  My daughter, Samantha Stone, is an eleven year old cancer patient at UC Davis medical center.  She has a very large tumor in her left cheek.  We were delighted yesterday when the nurses at the pediatric infusion center where Sammy goes for chemo offered her one of your beautiful pillow cases!  She has always loved to dance so she chose one with little ballet slippers.  As a gal who grew up sewing I was amazed at your craftsmanship.  Sammy has spent many, many, many nights in the hospital since her diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcoma in November.  A pretty, fresh pillowcase will certainly make her trips more cheerful and personalize the dreary hospital bed.  She is at week twenty of a 54 week plan, so we have a long road ahead. Thank you so very much for your thoughtful gift.  It is a compassionate and remarkable thing that you are doing. Maybe when she is feeling well Sammy can come help you sew some cases for cheer. Sincerely, Brenda Murphy

"Dear Madison,
  Thank you for the beautiful pillow cases you donated to The Pediatric Infusion Center at UCDMC in Sacramento.  I was fortunate enough to see them all.  If I were to pick one I would have trouble.  Today two little girls actually picked the "cars" pillow cases.  I don't blame them, the colors are so pretty.  Thank you for thinking of us and putting a big smile on the faces of children with cancer.  Take care.  Nancy

Nancy E. Lewis RN, BSN, CPON
Charge Nurse
Pediatric Infusion Center
Glassrock Building

"Dear Maddie and Jennifer,
  Thank you for writing back so fast.  We have 3 pillow cases left.  The baseball case, dog bone case, and colorful circles.  It seems the girls love pink (the schoolage 9-12 year olds).  Purple is a very popular cancer color.  We also have teenagers that we see.  We opened up one of the cases today and were impressed with the quality of the sewing and the softness of the material.  I want you to know the children of all ages often do bring a pillow with them during their treatments.  Some treatments are many hours and they sleep through them.
  We are open Monday thru Friday 0800-1800.  We see 10 to 25 children a day.  Not all have cancer.  We see children with sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, chron's disease, thalassemia, children receiving chemotherapy for cancer or recovering from a bone marrow transplant, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.  We probably see 100 children a month with cancer.  They often come several times a week for treatment.
  Maddie your Aunt Willie is smiling today.  She witnessed all the smiles when the children picked out their pillow cases.  Aunt Willie is so proud of you and thinks you are the BEST!!  You are helping children with cancer!!  You are making a difference!!   Thank you!!! 

PS. You may use my email for your website.

Take care.   Nancy RN"