Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dear 16 Year Old Me

We strongly encourage Adults to watch this video and if you feel it is appropriate to share it with your children to fight Melanoma.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Time is flying!!!

Time is flying and I cannot believe the year is half way finished!!! My oh my how busy we have been! We have held a couple of sewing classes at the Elk Grove Country Sewing Center! They have been so generous in donating their time to our organization!!! If you are interested in attending a sewing event, we will be holding one late summer and then again in fall.

We have had continued support from our regular volunteers which has been the life's blood of Cases For Cheer. Without them we would be still at 15 cases a month, but due to our donors, and our volunteers who have been so loyal we have been able to continuously provide the patients of UC Davis Cancer center with 70 cases a month!!!

We are also going to be holding a garage sale, in July to help raise funds to keep us running so if you have any thing you have been wanting to clean out that is of saleable condition, please contact Jenn at